Saturday, January 28, 2012

Learning Endurance

You may wonder why I named this blog "Blessings on a Broken Road" being that how could cancer ever be a blessing. I tear up as I am writing this because not that I am sad, but that I have experienced what it feels like to be so wholly loved by God, family and friends in the outpouring of support as I go through this. My personal walk with God is so much stronger and I turn to him for everything now. My family has come together in such a tighter way now, ill feelings put aside and I feel that if this was all that came from this, it would be worth it all. God has his plan for me, for my life, and I told him, I would do anything he wanted me to. I would be the sacrificial lamb. I wont have to walk this road alone, and that gives me strength. But, this journey will have to teach me how to endure. Already I feel so overwhelmed with doctors appointments, testings and surgery that sometimes I throw my arms down in surrender. I have even gone to yelling in the car when no one is around just to relieve stress (don't should try it!). No, I am not mad! I am learning endurance.

Upcoming testings...

For the next two weeks, I am facing more testing. Some of them, I don't know why they need, but oh well I will do it :). They have tested my lungs because the chemo I will be taking will damage them. They are testing my heart to make sure there isn't any abnormalities in its beating. I am getting a full body scan where i have to eat steak, broccoli, eggs, mushrooms and chicken the day before and nothing else. I have to go in for surgery to get a port implant so they can give me chemo without damaging my arm blood veins. And then, after all of this, I get to talk to my doctor about the results from my bone marrow biopsy and a treatment plan. I have such high respects for the cancer survivors that have gone through this already...I had no idea. But oh! I am truly learning endurance.

When you pray for me, please pray that my bone marrow biopsy comes back negative for cancer cells, and that all my testing comes back good, that I am healthy and strong enough to begin chemo.

Thanks for all your support, kind words and encouragement. Fight this with me.



  1. When is your port surgery? Maci's day lasted about 8 or 9 hours (from check in till discharge). I will never forget last Sunday when Bro. Ballestero mentioned that blood is stronger than the flesh.. That's why our blood can handle so much more! Being positive is the best!! Doesn't mean you still aren't having a bad time, but aren't we privileged to have God on our side?! We are praying for you every day!! One last thing- when I made my list for things I was happy didn't happen in 2011- I put "We OWNED 2011"!!!

  2. Thanks Jessica...My port surgery is on Monday the 6th...they said it only lasts about a 1/2hr to an hour to do, and i assume check-in will be an hour or more also, and after surgery they will monitor me for an hour to two. I was thinking about the time that I first noticed the bump on my neck and realized it was about that time that Maci got diagnosed. God seems to have his own timing!

  3. Great blog Shannon! I love you so so much, I'm praying for you every day!
